Delivering sophisticated product and service offerings at the core of the telecom omnichannel strategies

Centralized approach to the offering
of numerous products and services
Efficient management of the master repository for products and services where Communications Service Operators are modelling, building, pricing, bundling, maintaining and retiring their offerings.
Innovative approach
for rapid time-to-market
Implementation executed by utilizing the industry
best–practices and business processes optimized
to drive the innovation forward while significantly
reducing the time-to-market.

Consolidating the definition and specification of offers in one place, provides an effective way to expose your customers to all of your products and services.

Enabling quick and easy management of the key concepts based on holistic specification of the product offerings through product specifications.

Customer in mind!
A digital transformation process that enables enjoyable customer journey, easy broadening your portfolio or including 3rd party services.
Enables easy definition of products or services with all underlying components, their specific technical characteristics and tasks needed for product/service provisioning with all their features. Includes rules for product validity, definition of eligibility, compatibility and segmentation rules as well as definition of reusable fulfillment and provisioning processes.
Offers means to define, configure and map new products and services, product and service bundles, product prices and pricing conditions, price discounts and products’ compatibility. Product information is detailed appropriately to support customer engagement and timely service delivery.
Director of IT Department
“ITgma is a trusted and committed technology partner, who enabled us to reach another level of excellence in our CRM domain.“
Chief Technology Officer
“Professional and structural approach in the implementation of complex and high-transactional systems, critical for the business.“
Head of Business Support Systems
“ITgma’s BSS solutions and expertise are instrumental part in fulfilling our future BSS strategy.“
Head of Cloud Automation Platform Technology
“ITgma is a valuable partner to our team. Their engineers are proficient, supportive and professional“
Other Solutions
Customer Relationship Management
CRM solution for visionaries! Now you can have the CRM you always wanted – end-to-end
Order Management
Automated order management solution, completely integrated with the other BSS
Digital Self-Care Platform
Precisely tailored for every customer according to their needs, preferences and desires
Integrated Case Management
Enabling continuous process improvements and optimization by having the highest visibility
Omni-channel Notification Engine
Efficient, lightweight, messaging platform with a new, modern and pluggable architecture
Sales Performance Management
Establish effective sales organization by setting targets, monitoring the performance
Contact ITgma
If you have any questions about our company, our offering, or our expertise, we’d love to hear from you. Share your necessity with us.