Flawless Daily Operations

Our goal is to keep your business processes and systems running, reliably, secured protected by providing consistent and cost-effective operational maintenance and development services. Operational day-to-day activities are performed with guarantied quality and SLA KPIs, by utilizing best-practice industry standards, improving the efficiency and quality. ITgma assures fast and flowless daily operational and maintenance activities for your company, regardless of the quantity of the systems, requests or operational issues that need to be handled.


Custom and strict performance indicators to service your business critical systems.

Cloud Infrastructure

Management, optimization and support of your complex cloud environment.

On-Premise Infrastructure

Legacy and future-planned systems and applications on your in-house or hybrid environment.

Cost Saving

Significant optimization of your operational costs and support teams.

Functional Extension & Upgrades

Our Managed Services improve the availability of the systems, significantly reducing costs, maximizing productivity and response, improving quality and user satisfaction. For development of new functionalities and products, ITgma provides on-demand resources with deep knowledge and understanding of the systems and processes having immediate response to the business requirements.


Other Services

Let's talk.

If you have any questions about our company, our offering, or our expertise, we’d love to hear from you. Share your necessity with us.

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